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Sammanté, accessible health for all!

Protect those you care about by providing them with simplified access to quality healthcare. Register in less than 5 minutes for a 100% digital service.

What is the Sammanté Health Voucher?

The Sammanté Health Voucher is a digital voucher sent online to each beneficiary, thus providing direct access to essential information on their medical care. It is designed to simplify your health management by giving you a clear overview of your spending and status.


Get reimbursed for your health expenses

After the initial month of waiting

We cover your following healthcare expenses:

  • Doctor's visits

  • Analysis (if necessary)

  • Hospitalization

  • Prescribed medications

How to get a refund?

  • Send us all documents received from the healthcare facility.

  • Establishments that accept Wave payments will be paid directly. Super convenient, right?

The little rules to follow

  • Only expenses incurred in a public health establishment are reimbursed.

  • For medications, only those with a prescription are covered.

For medicines

  • Ask your favorite pharmacist to write the drug prices on the prescription before sending it to us.

Subscribe to Sammanté


Pay the first contribution

To get started, simply pay the first fee (based on your profile). This starts the one-month waiting period before coverage takes effect.


Inform the beneficiary

Let the beneficiary know that they are now covered! A quick message or call will do the trick.


Share beneficiary information

Send us the name and WhatsApp number of the beneficiary. No need for complicated formalities, just these two pieces of information are enough!


We take care of the rest

  • We will contact the beneficiary to collect their information.

  • We will explain the service and the next steps in subscribing.

How much does Sammanté cost?

en partenariat avec

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5000F / month




6000F / month




5000F / month

Our value proposition

100% Digital

  • Direct payment to healthcare institutions

  • Reimbursement in less than 24 hours upon presentation of invoices.

100% Accessible

  • No network of providers

  • Possibility to go to all public health establishments

100% Responsive

  • Our teams at your service 24/7 on WhatsApp, in writing and orally

  • Automated registration, file creation and claims management


Sammanté plays a vital role in promoting sustainable development by integrating its activities in harmony with the Sustainable Development Goals:

Access to health:

Improving access to health care and promoting well-being by making it easier for individuals to access essential health services.

Decent work:

Creating jobs and contributing to economic growth while developing health-related services and products.

Reduced inequalities:

Contribution to reducing health inequalities between different layers of society.


Partnerships with government organizations, NGOs, healthcare providers and other stakeholders to strengthen access to healthcare.

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Our value proposition

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Pauline Charlotte Barra

CEO of Sammanté

Word from our CEO

At Sammanté, we believe in a simple but powerful vision: health is a fundamental right and it should be accessible to everyone, without exception. Our mission is to realize this vision by providing health voucher solutions. We believe that health is the cornerstone of well-being, productivity and happiness.

The journey we have traveled is filled with inspiring stories of transformed lives. But there is still so much to do. I invite you to join us, share our vision, and be an agent of change for a healthier society.

Together we can make a real difference.

  • What is the annual reimbursement limit?
    We cover your costs up to 300,000 CFA francs per year.
  • What is the maximum age to benefit from our offer?
    To take advantage of our offer, you must be 59 years old or younger.
  • How many cases can be handled each month?
    We cover up to 2 cases per month.
  • Are pre-existing conditions covered?
    Unfortunately, expenses related to pre-existing conditions are not covered. We prefer to be transparent with you!
  • What is the monthly repayment limit?
    Every month, we cover your expenses up to 30,000 CFA francs. Enough to ease your financial worries!

Want to chat? Contact us


Rond-Point Place OMVS

Thiargane building, 9th floor

+221 76 621 27 66

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